Amazing Facts Associated with Popular Indian Historical Places

POSTED ON 17,May 2021
Amazing Facts Associated with Popular Indian Historical Places

Know more about your favorite historical structures of India!

Historical places always excite the history buffs and travel enthusiasts and India is filled with numerous iconic historical monuments that boast the best of architectural charm. However, we completely understand that all you travel lovers cannot go out but don't worry we have brought some interesting facts associated with some of the marvelous historical places of India to keep the travel enthusiast in you alive during the hard times. Below is the list of hidden secrets of Indian historical places that will surely convince you to explore them once the situation improves till then stay in the comfort of your home and stay safe. 

Gol Gumbaz

Gol Gumbaz

This is an iconic historical monument located in Bijapur in Karnataka. It is known as the tomb of emperor Adil Shah and it is the second largest tomb in the world. The amazing fact about this tomb is that it has a whispering gallery or hollow walls but no one till date has found an entry to the hollow wall and the story regarding its construction is a big mystery which no one knows.

Sanchi Stupa

Sanchi Stupa
It is a famous tourist attraction in Madhya Pradesh and this stunning monument has a very interesting history associated with it. So, it is the place where the great emperor Asoka gave up his violent life and turned towards Buddhism. However, the actual reason why he resorted to Buddhism is not clear, but it is said that during the battle, Asoka was visited by Lord Buddha and he told him that greatness is achieved by spreading love and not by bloodshed.

Victoria Memorial

Victoria Memorial

The story behind Victoria Memorial will surely leave you in awe. It is said that the British army was so smitten by the charm of Taj Mahal that they kept talking about it and hence Queen Victoria ordered the general to build her a mystifying memorial. During the construction, the British saw that a lot of revenue was being used and to decrease that they cut short the size of the structure and built a gorgeous garden around the monument to make the queen happy.



Kuldhara is situated 17km west in Jaisalmer and it has an amazing story associated with it. Some 300 years ago it used to be a prosperous village of Paliwal Brahmins but the power and debauched prime minister of the state Salim Singh fell on the daughter of the village and desired to marry her. As a result, all the people of 85 villages left their ancestral home and vanished within a night. Since then, Kuldhara has been called a ghost village because the inhabitants have put a curse on the village that no one will ever be able to settle here. So, if you wish to explore this iconic attraction in future then book Jaisalmer holidays with us.

Fatehpur Sikhri

Fatehpur Sikhri
Fatehpur Sikhri was earlier a personal city of the Mughal royal families. Yes, it was not a fort and the great emperor Akbar built it so that families and nobles can roam freely. Currently, it is a famous historical site of India and also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal needs no introduction and is popularly known as an epitome of love. Most of you must be aware that Shah Jahan built this iconic monument for his beloved wife Mumtaz. However, to make sure that no such marvel is ever created Shah Jahan ordered that the hands of the laborers should be cut off so that they can never make something this beautiful ever.

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